Message From The Visiting Pastor's Desk
September marks the passing of summer. One of this summer's highlights was the Olympics.
Millions of TV viewers passed their time away watching the athletes from all over the world
compete in 40 different athletic events. Hundreds of thousands of people passed through security
at Paris’ Charles de Gaulle Airport, at Olympic stadium and various sporting venues to watch these
athletes compete.
Leading up to the start of the olympics the iconic olympic flame representing peace, unity, and
friendship among nations, was passed to 10,000 torch bearers before arriving in Paris to light the
olympic cauldron symbolizing the start of the games.
As I reflected on the task of passing the torch I thought of the many stories in the Bible where
the torch of faithful leadership was passed from one person to another. While Moses led the Israelites
out of Egypt where they had been enslaved for 400 years by the Egyptians. Moses never entered the promise land.
The responsibility of leading Israel into the promise land was passed to Joshua. With the passing of
leadership from Moses to Joshua, God said to Joshua, “Be strong and courages. Do not be terrified;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you.”
September marks the passing of the torch of pastoral leadership at Old Brick Reformed Church.
It is with great joy, excitement and anticipation that we welcome Pastor Marie Bacchiocchi
as our next pastor. Her leadership marks the beginning of a new chapter in our 315 year history
of bringing the light of Christ to the surrounding communities.
We are confident that Pastor Marie Bacchiocchi will challenge us to be the people of God committed
to doing the work of Christ in our congregation, our community, and the world. We are hopeful that
Marie’s 30 years of ministerial experience will inspire us to continue to be an active, supportive
church family, embracing and nurturing all people by sharing Christ in word and action, and equipping
the congregation for ministry.
During Jesus’ ministry He referred to himself as the light of the world. He passed that light onto us
to be His light in the world. Prior to His ascension He commissioned the disciple to “Go make disciple
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you.”
We firmly believe that with Pastor Marie’s leadership we will be faithful in fulfilling Jesus’ commission
to be the His light in the world and to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
Speaking personally, I have been very blessed to have served as interim pastor to the Old Brick Reformed
Church since, April 2023. I am thankful to God for enabling me to provide worship leadership and pastoral
care. I will miss the fellowship that I have experienced while serving this wonderful congregation.
I realize a change of leadership brings a variety of thoughts and feelings. To which I want to say to the
congregation and the community what God said to Joshua. “Be strong and courages. Do not be terrified; do
not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you.”
Pastor Rich
Iterim Pastor